Photography and video is the most important thing on your website. Today's customers do not read first, they scan. How much effort have you put into your website's imagery?

“A picture is worth a thousand words.’’
In a day and age when people have short attention spans, photos effectively communicate a clear and often emotional message in milliseconds.This helps potential clients understand who you are before reading anything. With internet speeds increasing each year, you can put a prime focus on delivering awesome, distinctive photos of who you are and what you do.
Stand out visually
Today, the average person is overwhelmed by information fatigue. We’re used to processing a constant intake of visual information. An image will stand a better chance of catching attention before text will. People will create an impression by your business’ vision and professionalism by the first photo they see on your website.

Images are more engaging
You only have 3 - 5 seconds to engage your audience, or lose them. Your website is often the first impression that people have of your business, and first impressions mean a lot.Clean professional photos make your online presence appealing and welcoming to visitors. Having a great user experience increases viewer incentives to stick around and continue engaging with you.
Images make people feel more secure about their purchase
Professional photos give people the security they need so that they can choose your business. They can bring your service to life! How often do you find yourself looking for images of something before you purchase it? Your potential clients look for images too!

Photos express your authenticity and distinction
If you want to stand out against competitors, stand out with your photos. Show your viewers who you are, what your business is, and why they should choose you. Your own images are to better express your authenticity and distinction. No stock image is going to represent your business!
Steal These Tips!
If you'd like to pull off the perfect photoshoot, follow this handy list we've already created. There's many things to consider when putting together your shoot - so make sure you do it right!
Case Study

PushPress client Miguel Cardia of CrossFit Paradise nails all the above points on his website. We asked him for pointers to help you do the same for yours:Did you hire a professional photographer? Or did you shoot it yourself? Or amateur photographer/member?We hired a Photographer to come and take the photosHow long did the shoot take? How long did the preparation take?We took about 1 month to prepare the staged scenes and then had an idea of the candid scenes we wanted. The shoot was about 2-3 hoursDid you cast specific members for the shoot?Yes we chose our everyday member. More so to showcase what the average person can do, so we left out our fire breathers because they tend to be more un-relatable to prospective members dependent upon the client we are looking for.How much did this all cost you?The photographer was about 90/hour, and then he did all the editing. Videographer was $500 for a 1 minute video and about 2-3 :30s videos (He was a friend, I'm sure it would be much more for the extra videos)We had Lululemon help us and they donated a lot of the wardrobe to us.We avoided everyone wearing our brand because it looks too staged.How much editing did it involve?We had the photographer do the editing, and the videographer did it as wellAnything you want to share about the experience, tips, etc.Have a timeline, have workouts and movements pre thought out that are simple to execute and do. We avoided olympic lifts because albeit impressive, they’re hard to make look comfortable and safe.