Jamie Hagiya was looking to help raise funds for her 2017 CrossFit Games Regionals trip to San Diego. She was also looking to create a unified look for her fan section and give her fans something to rally around. She decided to design and sell fan shirts to accomplish these two things simultaneously. Jamie leveraged the PushPress Pre-Order system to accomplish this in minimal time and effort.
The most time consuming part of the entire process was making the fancy rotating image for my sales page. Other than that, planning, prepping and executing this pre-sale of my Fan Shirts was a breeze!
— Jamie Hagiya
The Problem
Having fans not only at her gym, but worldwide, planning the logistics of such a sale can be tedious. In order to accomplish this in a timely manner, the following would need to be accomplished:
- The shirt would need to be designed.
- Shirts would need to be printed in the correct mix of styles and sizes.
- An online sales process would need to be established.
- The sales page would need to be marketed.
- Sales would need to reliably stop before orders are placed for shirts.
- Distribution and management of the shirts post-sale to ensure everyone who bought received their shirts.
Each step of this process creates challenges and costs, which might prove this initiative unprofitable.

The Solution: PushPress Pre-Order System
In one simple solution, the PushPress Pre-Order system addresses each of the above problems except the actual shirt design and printing.
The PushPress Pre-Order system took all the normal logistical nightmares out of running a product pre-sale.
In five minutes, we had a pre-order setup and began taking orders. Ordering the shirts was a snap, because we had a concrete list of sizes and styles. Delivering them to the customers was as easy as handing someone a shirt and marking them as received in PushPress!
— Lexie Hagiya
The parameters of a Pre-Order can be setup in a few minutes time. This will automatically create a landing page to sell the pre-order from. Jamie and her team then distributed links to her fanbase to allow them to purchase the styles, sizes and quantities they wanted. The pre-order was set to run for two weeks. Time to setup and start selling: 10 minutes.
At the conclusion of two weeks, the order list was taken, and the order was placed with the printer for an exact style and size mix. Once the shirts came in, they used our Pre-Order sales report to distribute shirts and mark them as received.
In the end, Jamie and her team was able to create and distribute her Regionals Fan Shirt for sale in 10 minutes. The Pre-Order ran for 3 weeks and she sold 126 shirts.
The magic of the system is that of the 126 shirts sold, 100% were done online at the convenience of the customers. No additional time was invested by Jamie or her team while the shirts were on sale other than to market it using Social Media.
Post conclusion of the Pre-Order, shirts were able to be ordered without confusion as to sizing and styling. They were guaranteed not to have additional inventory left over, eating into their revenue generated. Distribution becomes a breeze, as they had a concise list to use to keep track of shirt receipt.