It’s no secret that when your members see results, they’re more likely to stick around. This is even more true for measurable results, versus those that are simply perceived. And that’s why the PushPress team is excited to introduce Habit Tracking in Train!
PushPress Train is workout tracking, made simple. It’s a fully-integrated system that’s designed to help your members reach their fitness goals. Striving for milestones will keep them accountable and motivated for more.

It starts with creating a culture in your gym that prioritizes progress tracking. Then, you can use Train to deliver your gym programming for groups, individuals or community challenges.
Further, Train can be used to communicate with clients. Forget the mix of text, email, WhatsApp and Instant Messenger. Now, all of your coach-client communication can be done through Train.
One App to Rule Them All.
The great news for PushPress clients is that recently, the Train app was merged with the Members App. The integration now allows your members to do everything in one place. From reserving a spot in class and checking in, to logging their workout scores, and everything in between. They can also book personal training sessions, pre-order gym merchandise and communicate with the community on the Social Feed.
“The simplification of the merged app also makes clients more likely to interact with the app because they know where to go to complete an action,” explained PushPress Product Manager Adam Rubemeyer.
Introducing Habit Tracking in PushPress Train.
On a big picture level, using PushPress Train will help clients to visualize their success, which will improve your gym members’ experience. After all, they walked through your doors looking for results, right?
Now, the Habit Tracking feature takes it to the next level. Use your expertise in fitness and nutrition, or get creative to design healthy habits that will benefit your community. Think everyone could use a little less stress around the holidays? Set up a “stress-relief habit,” where members focus on activities that force them to slow down and relax, like meditation or reading.
You could also set up individual habits for personal training clients. Essentially, the sky is the limit as you use the Habit Tracking feature in whichever way makes the most sense for your community.

“We know that fitness and wellness is about more than just logging a score for a workout,” said Rubemeyer. “And tracking healthy habits can build even more accountability, making it another tool to use with your members.”
Ultimately, by helping members log workouts and achieve milestones, PushPress Train is an effective tool for increasing gym member retention.
More Updates on the Horizon.
In the coming months, PushPress Train will offer a Challenges feature so you can start creating and rolling out your own unique challenges to your community.
For example, the PushPress team recently beta-tested a “3,000 Push-Up Challenge” in November, where teammates were aiming to do 100 push-ups per day. Each day, we logged the push-ups we completed toward the total. The competitive spirit even came out as we strived for the top spot on the leaderboard.
“We have seen a lot of friendly banter within the app and competitive spirit coming to life to stay on top of the leaderboard,” Rubemeyer said. “This is a great feature that gyms can use to supplement their regular workout programming, and promote some fun competitions and goal achievement."
The next big focus in PushPress Train will be improving how users can interact with the app to visualize their score history and track improvement over time.

“We’ll be surfacing more data when viewing a workout,” Rubemeyer explained. “So your members can prepare based on what they have done before. That could mean easily showing them their past times for benchmark workouts or getting recent barbell weights to the forefront. So they can spend less time searching in the app for what they’ve done before.”
In Summary: It’s Time to Get on the PushPress Train.
There’s never a bad time to start helping members track their progress. And with the New Year right around the corner, motivation is high and your community is ready to go. Help them find out what they’re capable of with the new Habits Tracking feature in PushPress Train.
Rubemeyer suggests keeping it simple to get started.
“Pick one class a day you program workouts for and use Train for that,” he suggested. “Or start with our new Habit Tracking or Challenge features as we move into 2024, when members are looking to set new fitness goals.”
When results-based programming and progress tracking is a part of your gym’s culture, you’ll have satisfied members and increased retention. It’s a win-win for the long run in your community and your business.