25 Hours In A Day

January 27, 2016
25 Hours In A Day

TLDR: Sign up for Jeremy Jones’ programming services as a PushPress client and get 10% off, forever! All you need is a coupon code (get it from us in the in-app customer support chat). That works out to $1,200 and 360 hours of your life saved over 5 years. That’s massive. More info here and here.

Wouldn’t that be great? To have one additional hour a day to get things done The fallacy of that concept is with that additional hour, you will just fill yourself up with an additional hour of things to keep you busy.

In reality, if we had 25 hour days, nothing would change. You would still feel as rushed and stressed as you do today, you would just have one more hour to stress over.

This Is Why We PushPress

The point of PushPress - as a system is to take things OFF your plate. The idea of PushPress is NOT to give you 25 hours a day. It’s to create a system so simple to use, you actually can get one or two hours per day back to your life.

Again, we understand that with that you will likely will that one or two hour void with more stress and anguish, but we HOPE you use it to just hang out with the members of your gym. Get on the floor with them, work with them, be their coach or friend for another hour or two a day.

This is why we PushPress. To give you back some valuable time you can use elsewhere.

Saving You Time Is Our Jam

Since it’s part of our business manta to save you time, we’re always looking for other processes, platforms, or services that we can partner with to save you additional time.

The criteria is simple: Save someone time, and provide a value add to them that’s beyond any investment they make into it (be it money, time, or otherwise).

With that, we’re happy and proud to announce to you today our partnership with Thrivestry.com.

Thrivestry Will Add Value & Save You Time

Thrivestry is an online programming service founded by Jeremy Jones. Owner of CrossFit Diablo and ex-coach of the San Francisco Fire. And as it so happens, programmer extraordinaire.

His meticulous ways has designed a program that will keep your most competitive athletes as well as your general population challenged and interested. He designs programs that keeps your space, equipment, and time in consideration. And above all, he programs a system that works and one that clients love.

I’ve personally witnessed the level of detail that goes into his programming (he’s hacked the HELL out of excel to show him all kinds of data. From frequency of movement to every different modality).

Best Thing Yet - PushPress Clients Save $.

Jeremy has made a most gracious offer to our PushPress clients. Any PushPress client who choses to use Thrivestry programming will get 10% off all Programming services!

Thrivestry offers two levels of service:

  1. Fitness Programming. This will include all programming services for your fitness gym. You can check out the Fitness Programming here.
  2. Complete Gym Programming. This includes general fitness programming plus competitive programming. Why this beats other options if you have competitive athletes at your gym, is it seemlessly integrates your competitive athletes WITH your fitness clients. It is geared to avoid creating a divide between these two segments of your gym (BAD!) You can check out the Complete Gym Programming here.


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