5 Simple Ways To Use Appointments To Increase Your Fitness Business

June 2, 2016
5 Simple Ways To Use Appointments To Increase Your Fitness Business

In researching and building the new PushPress Appointment System, we spoke to a ton of gym owners. Generally speaking the owners referred to this as a “Private Training System”.While this can be used to book, manage, and collect payments for Private Training, there’s much more it could be used for. So much more in fact, we decided to write an article tossing out some ideas.Each of these ideas are centered around a couple key concepts:

  • Establishing/building repoire between your clients and your coaching staff.
  • Enhancing client value in your core services.
  • Increasing overall client value by offering additional services.
  • Boosting client retention.

Our goal is to help you create clients for life, and each of the above bullet points fit into that goal. Now let’s see how we can leverage the appointment system to do just that!

  1. New Client Intake. Set the tone early and let your prospective clients know you mean business. Scheduling personal time on a calendar lets your leads know they are important to you.
  2. Feedback Loops. Establish quick 10 minute meetings with clients to sit down and get their feedback. By keeping a keen ear to the feelings of your clients, you can mitigate issues early and often and keep clients happy!
  3. Goal Setting and Progress Meetings. Nothing enhances retention more than keeping clients motivated with proper goals. Sit down with them once a quarter in a quick one-on-one meeting and have them lay out their goals with you. Follow up meetings could check in on the progress of the goals and measure their trajectory as an athlete.
  4. Body Measurement / Analysis. Simple weight and body composition analysis services are an add-on that many gyms overlook. Most clients like to see quantitative progress, and body composition is just that.
  5. Personal Meetings / Check Ups. Similar to a feedback loop appointment, but more personal. Take a client out for a cup of coffee and just ask them how they’re doing. You would be amazed at the kind of connection you can make with your clients by doing something so simple.

These are just a few very simple ideas of what you can do with our new Appointment System. The system is in closed beta at the moment, but will be released to the overall PushPress client base soon!

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