Who We Are; What We Do;  Why We Do It.

March 16, 2017
Who We Are; What We Do;  Why We Do It.

It’s been a while since we’ve been writing more frequently, so we thought we could re-introduce ourselves.

Our mission: To provide each one of our clients with an unfair advantage in their local marketplace. To make our clients look and run more professionally.

Since day one, we’ve taken a really hard look at how a business system should really work in a gym. And by hard look, I don’t mean “check out what the competition has done” but exactly the opposite, because we felt (and still feel) most of the competition completely misses the mark.

So instead of being yet-another-gym-management system (YAGMS), we’ve pushed to rethink how it’s all done from the ground up. Quite frankly we have the ability to do this because the principles and founders of PushPress own gyms ourselves.

Let that sink in.
We’re not suits who see an opportunity.
We’re not gym member / code monkeys who fell in love with their gym and wanted to make YAGMS.
We’re not a single owner who felt she could outdo the market.

Our team is comprised 5 gym owners (or ex-owners) who have a combined gym ownership experience of 28 years. We are deeply embedded in the community, and we are pushing to make PushPress the best management system just as hard as you are pushing to make your gym the best gym.

Our intention is to keep PushPress a small, nimble team that can leverage experience, technology, and expertise to build a truly great product, without all the bloat.

Our goal is to similarly let you enjoy massive scales of economy. Every day we focus on one major thing - How to allow you to get the most work done in the minimal amount of time. We do this thru intelligent design, intuitive and simple interfaces, and a whole lot of sorcery behind the scenes.

We take the time to help our owners. We always help in areas we should - setting up and maintaining their PushPress and client accounts, but we often help in ways we don’t need to - business advice, mentoring, direction and the sort. When you have people involved in the company who are as knowledgable and passionate as we are, we usually can’t help ourselves.

Our emphasis is on streamlining day to day operations for everyone involved. Your ownership, your staff, and your members. None of you are interested in toiling with a system - so we believe we stay out of the way as much as possible while making each touchpoint as fast and enjoyable as possible.


Our check-in app with integrated waivers. Never have an unwaivered client on the floor again.

We want to make you look better, in all ways. Our entire suite of apps and screens are made, from the ground up to not only functionally serve a purpose, but to make your clients feel great about being a client. From our stunning screens, to our timer app to our check-in and store systems - we provide you with one unified, professional look that’s tailored to your business.

In coming posts, I’ll speak to how we are looking to achieve each of these concepts in detail, but for now - thank you for the time to get to know us. If you have 10 minutes and want to let us know a little more about you, we’d love to hear it! Join us for a quick call to let us hear about your business and see if we can help you!

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“PushPress is the reason my gym became profitable.”
—Joe M. Gym Owner
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