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PushPress Staff Feature: Kurt Miller

Eric LeClair
September 28, 2021
PushPress Staff Feature: Kurt Miller

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese Proverb

Kurt Miller, one of our Customer Success Specialists, brings almost a decade of gym ownership to the team. Kurt’s care, compassion, and professionalism as a Coach and gym owner has impacted hundreds, if not thousands, of clients in his community. The culture he and his wife have created allows for their clients to thrive long term.

Kurt was impressed with the experience and work ethic displayed by the PushPress team. He knew that the PushPress team was built “for gym owners, by gym owners” and that was a team he wanted to join. He knew that he would be able to apply his expertise and help gym owners “dominate their day.” His number one goal is to help gym owners dominate their local market.

Eric LeClair

Eric LeClair works on the Marketing Team at PushPress. Eric has been a CrossFit Affiliate owner for 16 years. He's built three separate gyms and developed over 20 staff members to run operations at those facilities. He's a Veteran of the US Army, married with two little kids, and spends lots of time with his two boxers backpacking and exploring new adventures!

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